jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

Von Thronstahl - Imperium Internum [2000]

Von Thronstahl
Imperium Internum
Full Lenght


01 Imperium Internum (5:00)
02 Vorwärts, Die Raben Der Endzeit (Forwards, The Ravens From The End Of Time) (3:24)
03 Schwarz, Weiss, Rot (Black, White, Red) (4:27)
04 The Majestic Return (Die Königliche Rückkehr) (3:27)
05 Kristall / Kristur (Lieben Heisst Dienen - To Love Means To Serve) (3:35)
06 Under The Mask Of Humanity (2:50)
07 Sturmzeit - Version (Stormtime) (3:24)
08 Heimaterde, Mutterboden, Vaterland (Native Soil, Mother Country, Fatherland) (4:27)
09 Noch Blüht Im Geist Verborgen (Still Blooms Hidden In The Spirit) (3:23)
10 Atlantisches Tief (The Atlantic Low) (2:46)
11 Turn the Centuries - Version (5:06)
12 Das Neue Reich (The New Empire) (5:40)
13 Drei Tropfen Blutes Färben Den Schnee (Three Drops Of Blood Colour The Snow) (3:44)
14 Pontifex Solis (Das Glühende Weiss - The Glowing White) (7:16)

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